I remember the evening when President Hinckley offered this prayer. I was a young missionary in Weslaco, TX. I remember thinking that that night was particularly special. I wondered at the feeling of concern and love from the Prophet, the sensation that he wished to prepare us for some looming event.
Less than a year later the Twin Towers fell, an event which seems to have heralded in a series of major occurrences which are sweeping us deeper into the last days.
I remember the day that the towers fell. The first person we visited that day told us that New York had been bombed and that the United States was at war. Everyone we spoke with that day was emotional and upset. Mothers were crying. Young men were planning to sign up for the military. Old men discussed “Signs of the Times,” natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars and predicted the deaths of billions in the approaching months.
I remembered President Hinckley’s talk and his prayer that night. I remember thinking that the Prophet had known what would happen and had made a special effort the year before to prepare the youth. I felt ready and at peace, secure in my standing with God and my efforts to follow his Son.
Eight and a half years later the world is still standing. There are problems and trials, natural and man-made disasters. But we, the youth that President Hinckley spoke to that night, are still standing in holy places trying to be what our prophet asked us to be.
Praise God for our living Prophets.
1. Be grateful.
2. Be smart.
3. Be clean.
4. Be true.
5. Be humble.
6. Be prayerful.
For those of you who would like to refresh that particular talk in your mind, please visit http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=0735a1615ac0c010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____